I recall an incident back in the 1960s when Knorr visited a local congregation to give the dedication talk for their new building (KH).
Local brethren were jockeying for position to sit next to him, take him to lunch/dinner and, um, field service. I was in the auto when Knorr went on the anticipated FS trip. It was entertaining. We got to the territory and, after all the fuss to work with him, Knorr declares that we could cover more ground and do it more efficiently if we each worked alone. He promptly opened the car door, stepped out, turned his back on everyone in the car and started strolling down the road. He turned to the left at the corner and went his own way.
The last thing Knorr wanted was to have his worshippers watch his less-than-convincing presentations to people who didn't give a rat's patootie who or what he was, or was not. By the way, the man sounded like a squirrel with stopped up sinuses in person.